Pigeon Spikes

Jesus turned and saw her. "Take heart, daughter," he said, "your faith has healed you." And the woman was healed from that moment. ~Matthew 9:22

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Location: Poznan, Poland

Sunday, August 20, 2006

So, I'm starting a blog...

Starting must be the worst part, right?
What to write? How to make a dramatic entrance?
I don't know, so I'll begin by explaining the title: Pigeon Spikes.
This may take a while... I'll do it in stages...
This is a kind of living metaphor for my life in Poland.
You see, my friend Rich is renting an apartment from our mutual boss, previously occupied by Daniel, who some of you know. The said apartment is on the top floor. There are ledges on the outside that lead from the windows to the edge of the roof under which the pigeons live, thus providing the perfect landing strip and perch for these fowl. Though I don't mind pigeons, these particular birds happen to be of a particularly low class flock, and, as you know, pigeons in general carry disease. Winged rats. There is birdy doo doo all over the windows and sills, feathers (and who knows what else) come into the kitchen and one pigeon actually flew into the living room.


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