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It's been a nice long weekend, last Thursday off until today. Easter in Poland is a big deal.
In May there's another long weekend. Boy, it's good to be a teacher.
Winston's getting so big. And he's started farting. All the time. Raunchy. Eew.
He's also losing teeth. We've collected 2 so far. :)
We had to get him a new collar. We took him to Lake Rusalka (sp?) on the weekend and Winston met many dogs. Winston LOVES people and he LOVES other dogs. He's a lovable guy. Well, there was one Husky he just didn't want to say goodbye to and stubbornly pulled and pulled, trying to run after him until SNAP! went the plastic clip of his collar and goodbye Winston. So, now he has a sturdier leather, buckle-up collar.
Winston's also an expert thief. He likes to collect various objects, his favourite being shoes and slippers, and put them in his bed or under mine.
Here's a pic of Winston caught in the act. I think this time he's got toilet paper. From where? Who knows!!!

Not too much new. I got curtains up in Rich's room. They're quite nice, if I do say so myself. Pics soon.
It's been a nice long weekend, last Thursday off until today. Easter in Poland is a big deal.
In May there's another long weekend. Boy, it's good to be a teacher.
Winston's getting so big. And he's started farting. All the time. Raunchy. Eew.
He's also losing teeth. We've collected 2 so far. :)
We had to get him a new collar. We took him to Lake Rusalka (sp?) on the weekend and Winston met many dogs. Winston LOVES people and he LOVES other dogs. He's a lovable guy. Well, there was one Husky he just didn't want to say goodbye to and stubbornly pulled and pulled, trying to run after him until SNAP! went the plastic clip of his collar and goodbye Winston. So, now he has a sturdier leather, buckle-up collar.
Winston's also an expert thief. He likes to collect various objects, his favourite being shoes and slippers, and put them in his bed or under mine.
Here's a pic of Winston caught in the act. I think this time he's got toilet paper. From where? Who knows!!!

Not too much new. I got curtains up in Rich's room. They're quite nice, if I do say so myself. Pics soon.
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