Pigeon Spikes

Jesus turned and saw her. "Take heart, daughter," he said, "your faith has healed you." And the woman was healed from that moment. ~Matthew 9:22

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Location: Poznan, Poland

Sunday, October 22, 2006

North American Stuff!

I'm going to start a list (more for myself, cause I have the memory of a goldfish) of things I need to buy/get when I go home. I'll add on as I think of things. The most pressing and most practical is first on the list:
1. socks and underwear ! ! ! (still cheaper to buy them in dollars)
And the rest, pure entertainment or convenience:
2. dvd's and books
3. measuring cups and spoons
4. pie plate
5. more brown sugar :)
6. hot water bottle -forget magic bag, no microwave :(
7. more lavender and eucalyptus bubblebaths
8. Tylenol / Advil
9. cake mixes & muffin papers
10. stuff for the flat (art?)
11. Neocytron!
12. barrettes :)


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