Pigeon Spikes

Jesus turned and saw her. "Take heart, daughter," he said, "your faith has healed you." And the woman was healed from that moment. ~Matthew 9:22

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Location: Poznan, Poland

Thursday, September 28, 2006

My back is fantastic!

I don't remember the last time I felt so good!!! I told you I went to get a massage. Well, immediately after, I felt great, but by evening my neck hurt again and yesterday morning I felt awful. So... I went to a yoga class. Had no idea what to expect, but I was desperate. We just did some stretches, a lot of back exercises. The instructor, whose english was great, said that these stretches really help people who work a lot on computers. When I left I was walking on air! Even today I feel fantastic. I'm going to go again tomorrow. I hope I'll be able to fit it into my schedule once I'm working.

This afternoon I'm going to visit a lady who wants someone to tutor her daughter. Her daughter is not deaf - but practically. I came into contact with her through Ania, my boss. According to Ania, this woman is very intense. She is convinced her daughter doesn't have much of a future in Poland, because of her disability, so she is sending her to an American school in the hopes that she will later study and live in North America. But, the girl is 10 years old and finding it diffiult to adjust and understand since all of her classes are in English.
I'm really excited about helping this girl, the only problem is that it is on the complete opposite end of the city as me and the girl gets out of school just when I start work. We'll see.

That's all for now, pa


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