Pigeon Spikes

Jesus turned and saw her. "Take heart, daughter," he said, "your faith has healed you." And the woman was healed from that moment. ~Matthew 9:22

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Location: Poznan, Poland

Saturday, September 02, 2006

Moving Day.

I got up early and went to the market. It wasn't easy to get up - Agata, Rich and I had a Mel Gibson film marathon last night. It was my choice, I was told to rent movies. I hate choosing for other people - they always complain about my taste. :) Anywho, I got Signs, Conspiracy Theory and Lethal Weapon. Got to bed late! We didn't even watch the last one, we were too tired. Boy, I'm getting old. Sad.

I like going to the market in the early morning. There's a special smell and feel. It's a surprisingly good smell if your wandering around the fresh fruit and vegetable stands. It's fun looking and choosing something nice for breakfast and then going into the bakery for fresh bread or buns. Well, I think that will have been the best part of the day.

The worst part will begin about 1pm-ish. Arek and Rich are coming over to help me load up a truck and take my stuff to Agata's. I don't have too much stuff, but enough. I still have to throw some papers in bags. I hate sorting papers, so, it's the one thing left to do and probably won't get done. :) Then off to my new home!

No news re the OTHER apt. I'm meeting with the buyer on Monday. Also have a teacher's meeting on Monday. Fun. I've been working lately on a blog for my school and flyers for the cooking and film classes I'll be teaching.

That's all folks!


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