Pigeon Spikes

Jesus turned and saw her. "Take heart, daughter," he said, "your faith has healed you." And the woman was healed from that moment. ~Matthew 9:22

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Location: Poznan, Poland

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

5! Five! 5!

Yep, that's how many ticks I found on Winston Sunday morning. And, if you remember, I was at the vet the day before and neither of us found any. 2 of the ticks were really big. One fell off onto the floor it was so full. Needless to say, I called Rich and we went to a 24 hour vet and had those evil creatures removed and destroyed. Ugh.
We bought some more drops and now I'm so paranoid I'm brushing Winston about 4 times a day and afraid to go to the forest.

Which brings me to a question - I need feedback! What do you call a group of trees? Forest? Woods? Bush? I was teased for my Canadianism when I said I'd like a house on some land with bush out back. Is this Canadian? or Joslin? :)

On to other news. The hell of end of the year paperwork has begun. I'm making/marking tests and certificates, getting ridiculous signatures so I can get paid, preparing for England and Sarah (my sis) coming to visit. Luckily, next week is Corpus Christi (another holiday) and I'll have some time to organize and stuff - the worst is that I have to clean out my locker at school. My room at home is quite tidy, but my locker, yikes.

Also, if you're interested, here's the link to the blog I do for the school if you want to read about the cooking classes, etc., I've mentioned. The last one will be in June. One more thing to do :)

Saturday, May 26, 2007

I haven't written in a while.

Things are busy around here. Between preparations to go to England, end of the year stuff at school, the kitchen being under renovation, gardening and removing ticks from Winston (2 today!!!), I just haven't found the time. So, yeah, that's it in a nutshell :)
Check out the video of Winston gone wild. He had a bath today because he was so dusty from the plastering that's happening in the kitchen. He goes nuts after baths, I think he's trying to dry off and we finally got it on tape :))
(And hasn't my little boy grown up so much?!?!)