This morning (Saturday!) I had a class at 9am. Difficult, I know, but do-able and a really great student, so worth the trouble. (I've begun tutoring a 10 year old hearing impaired girl, helping her adjust to suddenly being in an all-English school.)
I set the alarm on my phone good and early. I woke up before the alarm! Cool, I had lots of time. My lesson was ready.
**Now, to be sure that Becky is never late, Becky also has a fail safe plan by which she scares herself into being on time by making herself think she is late. The clock in Becky's room is 1 hour behind. Unfortunately, Becky is also easily confused. :(
Still wonderfully relaxed and thinking I was on time, it wasn't until I reached the tram stop and saw 9:09am flashing at me that I grew concerned. I actually didn't believe the clock at first, but my phone said the same.
So, today, I was late FOR THE FIRST TIME and ended up rescheduling my lesson.
At 11am I have a teacher's meeting and I FINALLY get my schedule!!! for MONDAY!!!!!!